This eclectic blog is based on a simple foundation of two ideas: that we all encounter many wonderful things and experiences in our life, and that these things should be noted so others can share them.
It is about the appreciation of life.
It isn't about being an optimist, either. We all encounter more than enough bad things in life. But if we can pass on an experience, a bit of reading, a photo, a recipe, then we can enrich each other .
Our tastes differ from yours. We're heavily media and print-oriented. We like travel, food, reading, magazines, dogs and a great deal more.
If you have chanced upon this blog at this stage, you're arrival is probably a bit premature. We haven't yet written enough blog entries to make your sightseeing here worth much of your time. Over the months, that will change. And the identity of this blog can only take shape as it grows and as we all discover it.
If there's something you really like, feel free to write a message and share your discovery with others.
[A note about the photo above and about other photos you'll see in this blog: Vast stretches of text without any graphics can be very boring, so I thought I would intersperse this blog with a selection of photos I have taken over the past few years. The picture above is of Konan Benjamin, and was taken in Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa. I had just photographed two of the country's three most important traditional figures -- the King and the Queen Mother. A third figurte knmown as "The Soul of the Nation" did not make an appearance, so I decided to create a representation of him with a model. The model, of course, is Benjamin.]